The end of the year can get very overwhelming! You are constantly thinking about all the stuff that needs to get done; not only is it a busy time in business, but it’s also a busy time in your personal life. The holidays are wonderfully fun but at the same time can be terribly stressful. So what’s the best way to keep it together?
Make a year-end to-do list! Take a few minutes out of your day and write down everything that needs to be done by December 31... and I mean EVERYTHING! Turning in expenses, buying gifts, mailing cards, meeting with 12 clients, annual office parties, little Johnny’s holiday concert—whatever it may be—that needs to be completed or attended by the end of the year, write it down!
Once you have a complete list, really give it a once over to be sure that all of these items MUST be completed by the end of the year. Sometimes we get ambitious and try to do too much. The list should include only items that are either necessary or top priority to be completed by December 31. Remember, there are only a few weeks left in the year and we have Christmas in there, too.
Now that you have a final list, add everything to your calendar. You may have to get up a few minutes earlier each day or go to bed a few minutes later each day to get your list completed, but it’s a small sacrifice to pay to feel less stressed, less overwhelmed, and less anxious. You should be able to enjoy the holidays!
Putting your to-do list in your calendar should be something you start doing all the time, make it a habit. It keeps you more organized, you are less likely to forget something and since it’s in your calendar, you won’t need to worry about forgetting it. Your calendar is your friend. I put all sorts of stuff in my calendar and if I have a rare slow day, I look ahead in my calendar to see if there is anything I can complete early and remove from future dates.
At the end of the day, if you are still overwhelmed, stressed, or frustrated, it may be time to either:
Take a good hard look at what you want out of life and how you want to live your life. Are you still living your life with purpose and passion? Or have you become a frustrated, stressed mess most of the time? Sometimes, things just aren’t working anymore and it’s time for a change. OR
You still love what you do but you just need help. So, hire some! There are so many talented individuals out there who would love to help you meet your goals. Chances are they can do the tasks in less time than it takes you because they aren’t dealing with your distractions. Invest in your career and/or business and regain time to do more things you enjoy.
No matter what you choose, make an effort to start the New Year in a better place! It’s what you deserve.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
xx, Danae